Topic / Should Seattle clear homeless encampments in parks?
Round 1
Round 2
Thumbs Up   Question   Thumbs Down   Inappropriate
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Please describe the inappropriate action:

Thumbs Up   Question   Thumbs Down   Inappropriate
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Please describe the inappropriate action:

No - Nowhere else for them to go
Yes - They are PUBLIC parks
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Length: 3:10
Oct 12, 2021
Livestream Views: -
Recorded Views: 2499

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Q - Will your browser support recording and uploading your video?
Q - How long can the video / audio recording be?
A - 1 minute. The system will automatically stop recording after 60 seconds.
Q - Why can't you just upload your own audio/video file or point to one on YouTube?
A - We will likely allow this in the near future. But we do not have the resources to quickly verify you are not uploading or pointing to an inappropriate video. So forcing you to record it in real-time is (presumably) safer. That, and we are just plain mean.
All participants are ready.
The debate will begin in:
There will be a 30 second round to introduce yourselves. Then Steve@Agreedis will speak first.